몽골고비 울트라
마라톤 225km

Home > 몽골고비 울트라 마라톤 225km

제목 [기본] 몽골고비울트라는 귀족, 중국고비는 그 아래 등록일 2016.09.27 15:49
글쓴이 박복진 조회 1565
The climate there is brutal and the weather can change in a blink of eye. "When it is hot, the heat sears you like a flame, when it is cold, the wind cuts your flesh like a knife” says Buddhist monk Xuanzang, who, fifteen centuries ago, traveled through the wilderness of the Gobi.

I will take the start of the non-stop 400km Ultra Trail Gobi Race on Wednesday morning at 6h48min52sec [Desert Time]. Not sure what are my feelings (very excited vs. very anxious) as I completely go in the unknown. My longest non-stop ultra so far is UTMB (170km) - and the 250-km Marathon des Sables but it is a multi-stage race. It requires a lot of logistics and planning as we have 10 rest stops 35-50km apart (and water stops every 10-15km), where you can leave a drop bag in which the participant stores food and equipment. The organizers provide only hot and cold water (and heated rest tent and medic assistance). Further, the race requires self-navigation; you have the GPS coordinates of each checkpoint and a suggested route that you have to find by yourself with your GPS device (which means all the runners do more than 400km at the end...). The route goes through rocky and sandy trails, canyons, high mountain (3,200m), 50km of sand dunes, flooded pasture, salt pans and a small percentage of asphalt road. The difficulties are the terrain (no trails so very demanding on legs and feet) and the weather (below freezing at night and over 30 degrees during the day). Among the mandatory equipment you have to carry at all time, we have a -10 sleeping bag, down jacket, sunscreen and lip balm (don't underestimate this one in the desert!) and satellite phone. Food and sleep strategy will be key to cross the finish line. The maximum allowed time is 150h (winning time from last year is 92h52min, i.e. 3days 20h and 52min). Therefore, I will be back to civilization in 5 days!

You can follow my slow progress live as I will be carrying our new satellite GPS tracker;

Results at check points also available on the event website and facebook Ultra-Trail Gobi Race

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중국 고비 400km  에 참가한 어느 외국인의 글을 옮겨봅니다
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몽골 고비 울트라 225km  와 비교하면 너무나 큰 차이가 있습니다